Watch The Spread Of Christianity Over 2,000 Years In This Cool Video

Since Christ commanded His disciples to “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations”, Christianity has been spread to every corner of the Earth through the tireless work of missionaries. From the earliest missionaries like Saint Paul and Saint Patrick, to the missionaries of the 16th century that reached the far corners of the Earth like Saint Francis Xavier and Saint Junipero Serra, and continuing today with missionaries everywhere, the the faith in Jesus Christ and the Gospel, and the good works His followers bring in His name, continues to change lives and hearts everywhere.  

In this video, you can see how Christianity spread from a small group of followers in a remote corner of the Roman Empire to every country and land in the world.

As you can see, Christianity is now in every part of the world, but the work of missionaries is not done! The work of missionaries is never done! As we start a 3rd millennium of Christianity, missionary work has never been more important and vital. From spreading the good news of Jesus Christ, to providing basic needs to the poor, and providing emergency relief during disasters, missionaries are needed in more places than ever before!

I N A U G U R A L M I S S I O C O N G R E S S  

To help continue, reimagine, and grow the impact of Catholic missions worldwide in the 21st-century, the Pontifical Mission Societies are holding its inaugural MISSIO Congress in Orlando, Florida, September 5-7, 2017.  

At this event, the Catholic Church is looking for the input of you and missionaries like you to help form new and innovative ways to spread the Gospel in a modern world.  

A unique aspect of this event is that it is a Congress, not a conference. In this format, instead of having speakers present, participants will be asked to actively participate and help form the results of the Congress.

C O N G R E S S G O A L S  

The MISSIO Congress goals are to:

  • Strengthen the identity and missionary commitment of the Church
  • Reimagine mission animation and formation in the digital age
  • Gather important insights for an increasingly intercultural Catholic Church in the United States
  • Prepare a delegation to represent the United States Catholic Church with genuine solidarity at the Continental Missionary Congress (CAMV) to be held in Bolivia in July 2018.


Don't miss this opportunity bring your voice and experience to the conversation in Orlando. To learn more about the MISSIO Congress, download our free guide now!